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Science Literacy

Basic Search Strategies for Library Databases

Boolean Operators are three words (AND, OR, NOT) that combine keywords. AND will narrow a search, OR will broaden a search, and NOT will narrow a search by excluding a keyword.



cloning AND "extinct animals"

mammoth OR "wholly mammoth"

cloning NOT human


When developing a search strategy avoid using whole sentences. This may work in search engines like Google or Yahoo, but does not work in a database. 

Also avoid using half a sentence with a Boolean Operator.  Just use a simple search and Boolean Operators. 

Correct: "extinct species" AND cloning

Incorrect: "resources about animals" AND cloning

Incorrect: I need to find resources about extinct animals and cloning.

Quotation Marks can be used to search for exact phrases.

Correct:   "extinct animals"      

        "endangered species"


Incorrect:  "species"

Incorrect:   "extinct animals" AND cloning"

Truncation to save time. Use an asterisk * to take the place of letters in a word so that other forms of the word can be searched at the same time.

Example:     extinct* will search for extinct, extinction and extinctions