Women Artists

Useful Library Books

Books from other Libraries

You have checkout privileges at all the Alamo Colleges - you can either go to a specific campus or request the items through Interlibrary Loan - talk to a librarian at the Reference Desk for more assistance.

Texshare cards
If you want to check something out from another academic library in town, you can use a Texshare card to do this. Just stop by the Reference Desk and we will give you a Texshare card that will allow you to check out books from other academic libraries here in San Antonio

Featured Artist


American painter and printmaker who was part of the Abstract Expressionist movement.

Books and Media


Do a keyword search for women artists in One Search

  • Or do a keyword search for a specific artist. Some great women artists are Mary Cassatt, Frida Kahlo, Helen Frankenthaler
  • Or you can search by art movement such as Impressionism, Surrealism, Pop Art, Expressionism


Art books are found in the N section in both the checkout and reference areas.

If you would like to browse the art section here is where you can find various art subjects:

NA Architecture

NB Sculpture

NC Drawing

ND Painting

NE Printmaking

NK Decorative Arts

NX Arts in General

TR Photography

Famous Women Artists

Here are just a few of them:

Camille Claudel 1864-1943

Artemisia Gentileschi 1593-1652

Judith Leyster 1609-1660

Sonia Delaunay 1885-1979

Kathe Kollwitz 1867-1945

Louise Bourgeois 1911-2010

Helen Frankenthaler 1928

Maya Lin 1959

Louise Nevelson 1899-1988

Cindy Sherman 1954

Kara Walker 1969

Online Databases

The online databases give you access to thousands of scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers and materials from books.

The databases are available 24 hours a day and are constantly being updated and added to. Use your ACES ID and password (first two letters of your last name and the last six digits of your Banner ID) to log in to the databases from off campus.