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APA Style Citation Help

NoodleTools will help you create citations in either MLA or APA styles and export the citations with correct punctuation and formatting as a Word document.

Need more help? Visit us at the Library Reference Desk ~ OR  ~ ask at one of the NVC Tutoring Labs

Writing Across the Curriculum Lab

The WAC Lab helps students who have writing assignments for classes outside the English department.  Students can meet with tutors to brainstorm topics, organize your research/ideas and work on paper drafts.  You can also work on the WAC Lab computers and get feedback on your paper. 

Location and Hours:
   Redbud Learning Center (RLC)
   Room 205
   Monday-Thursday   9:00a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
   Friday   9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
   Phone:(210) 486-4218
For more information click here!

Why Should I Cite?

Citing your sources allows you to:

  • Avoid plagiarizing.
  • Let readers find your sources.
  • Provide credible evidence for your arguments.

Your information can come from books, magazines, journals, newspapers, databases, or websites. The source doesn't matter, giving credit with a citation does.

Watch these videos for an in-depth explanation of why you should cite: