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FAQ search box

Book-a-Librarian (30 min. w/ librarian)


Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators are three words (AND, OR, NOT) that combine keywords into search strings. When developing a search strategy avoid using whole sentences.  Instead break down your topic into keywords and use Boolean Operators.

AND will narrow a search by focusing on resources that contain both keywords.  

  • Example:  children AND "social skills"

OR will broaden a search by looking for two keywords at one time. 

  • Example: children OR adolescents

 NOT will narrow a search by excluding a keyword. 

  • Example: happiness NOT stress


Quotation Marks can be used to search for exact phrases. 

Correct:    "social skills"

                  "mental health"

You don't have to put quotation marks around one word.

Incorrect:   "stress"


Quick Search Tips

Not getting enough results?  Try changing your search terms - go broader.

Want to try a fancier search?  Try using the Advanced Keyword Search.  You can select types of materials you'd like, use Boolean Operators, search by specific year, and/or read about other search tips.

Remember the 3 B's:

  • Brainstorm - think of as many different words or phrases that you can - sometimes the first word you think of may not be the best.
  • Boolean - add those words together with AND, OR, or NOT (Boolean operators)
  • Browse - find one good thing, and use that item to help you find more great items (use the subject terms or find more key words, etc)