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Computers and Printing

Information on the library's public computers and printers, computer desk, and GoPrint pay-for-print system.

Library Computer Policy

All Library patrons are expected to adhere to the Policies and Procedures set forth by the Alamo Colleges with regard to the appropriate use of the District’s information technology resources.  Click on each of the following links for more information:

C.1.9 (Policy) Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources (PDF)

C.1.9.1 (Procedure) Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources (PDF)


Computer Usage Statement:

The NVC Library offers access to computers, the internet, and other electronic resources to provide users with informational, educational, recreational, and cultural resources beyond those contained in the library’s print collection. The purpose of the Computer Use Policy is to provide guidelines regarding both computer use and Internet access to safeguard the longevity of all Library equipment, and ensure fair usage to all.

Guidelines for All Computer Users:

  • All open area computers are on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Users sign on to a computer by using either a Banner ID or Guest ID.

  • Food of any kind is not permitted at computer stations.

  • Only drinks in covered containers are allowed.

  • Priority for computer use is given to academic work.

  • Users must provide their own storage media (i.e. flash drive) or use their cloud storage account (i.e. OneDrive, Google Drive, iCloud) to save their files.  All files saved to the computers are automatically deleted upon system restart.  

  • Users must provide their own headphones.

  • Printing is available on all library public computers and is handled through GoPrint.  For GoPrint information, click here.

  • Parents are responsible for children's use of the NVC Library computers and the Internet. The library supports free access to information in both print and electronic formats. The library does not practice censorship and does not intentionally block Internet sites. The library is not responsible for information a child views or listens to from the library’s collection or from the Internet through the library’s computers.

  • Staff at the computer help desk is available to provide technical assistance with computers, printing, and NVC supported software.

Guidelines for Community Members:

  • As a courtesy, the NVC Library allows community members access to its public computers and printers with the understanding that students, faculty, and staff have priority over all equipment use.

  • Community members are expected to follow the NVC Library’s policies with regard to food and drinks, noise, children, etc. For detailed information on these and other library policies, click here.

  • Community members are required to check-in at the library's Computer Desk for guest access to a computer.

  • Community members are not guaranteed a computer, especially during peak student usage times. Alamo Colleges students working on academic assignments have priority.

  • Community members may print from any computer. All student and guest printing is handled through GoPrint, which requires a user to set up an account and then add funds to the account. For GoPrint information, click here.

  • Community members may be asked to relinquish their computer to a student during peak usage times.

  • Community members who violate any policy set forth by the district and/or the nvc library with regard to the use of information technology resources may have their user privileges revoked.

Inappropriate use of the computers, such as accessing obscene materials, will be reported to campus police.