EDUC 1300 Aguirre

Search Strategies

Boolean Operators are three words (AND, OR, NOT) that combine keywords into search strings.

AND will narrow a search by focusing on resources that contain both keywords.

Example:  "Malcolm Knowles" AND “adult learning”
Example:  Andragogy AND pedagogy


OR will broaden a search by looking for two keywords at one time.

Example:  "Malcolm Knowles" OR "concept of andragogy"
Example:  Andragogy OR pedagogy


NOT will narrow a search by excluding a keyword.

Example:  Dewey NOT "Dewey decimal"

Quotation Marks can be used to search for exact phrases. You do not need to place quotation marks around one word or around a search string.

Correct:     "Malcolm Knowles"      

                   "adult learners"
                   "concept of andragogy" 

 Incorrect:   "child" 

Truncation. Use an asterisk * to take the place of letters in a word so that other forms of the word can be searched at the same time.

Correct:     child* will search for child and children

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Phone: 210-486-4513
Text: 210-390-1112
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