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Limiting a Database Search to a Specific Resource


Your instructor may ask you to use different types of resources for an assignment. These can include eBooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, streaming videos, art images and more.  

How can you quickly find these resources in One Search and the library databases?  You can use limiters. 

Using Limiters in One Search

After you do a search in One Search you can limit to a specific item by using the check boxes on the left side of the page.   You can limit by format, content type, publication year, subject and much more. 

Using Limiters in Databases

In some of the library databases you can use links to help you organize a search.  Please see the examples below from some of our popular databases. 


Database: Opposing Viewpoints

After you do a search in Opposing Viewpoints you can limit your results using links at the top of the page. 

Image of Opposing Viewpoints search limiters.

Database: ArtStor

After you do a search in ArtStor you can limit your results by using the links on the left side of the page. 

ArtStor search with limiters


You can search for a variety of resources from the library by using the Databases by Subject list or the Alphabetical List.