
Sculpture Books

If you would like to just browse through our books on sculpture, they can be found in the NB section in both the checkout and reference areas.

How to find books

You can Search the NVC catalog for books, ebooks, CDs, and DVDs or search the collections of all ACCD libraries.

-- To find all the resources we have here in the library that deal with sculpture, you can do a quick keyword search by putting SCULPTURE in the keyword search box.

-- You can also combine keywords to narrow down your results:



 And you can also search by sculptor name ex: Louise Nevelson       
Library Catalog   (click here for quick access to the library catalog)





Books from other Libraries

-- You have checkout priviledges at all the other Alamo College campuses - you can request books from other campuses at the Reference Desk. They will be delivered in 4 to 5 days to the NVC library and you check them out here and return them here. 
-- If you want to check something out from another academic library in town (UTSA, Trinity, St. Marys), you can use a Texshare card to do this. Just stop by the Reference Desk and we will give you a Texshare card that will allow you to check out books from other academic libraries here in San Antonio