English / INRW Gomez

Search Strategies

Boolean Operators are three words (AND, OR, NOT) that combine keywords into search strings.

AND will narrow a search by focusing on resources that contain both keywords.

Example:  nursing AND stress


OR will broaden a search by looking for two keywords at one time.

Example: nurse OR "nurse practitioner"


 NOT will narrow a search by excluding a keyword.

Example: nurse NOT pediatrician


When developing a search strategy avoid using whole sentences.  Instead break down your topic into keywords and use Boolean Operators.

Correct:      nurse AND stress

Incorrect:   I need to find credible resources about how stressful nursing can be.


Quotation Marks can be used to search for exact phrases.  You don't have to put quotation marks around one word.

Correct:    "nurse practitioner"

                  "mental health"


Incorrect:   "nurse"
