Circulation Desk

Services provided by the NVC Library's Circulation Desk
Group Study Room

Northwest Vista College Library Study Room Policies

Northwest Vista College Library has a total of five study room. Three rooms are available for check out to current Alamo Colleges students for academic study and research. The Veteran’s Room and Cub Corner are shared spaces. The following guidelines are intended to make study rooms available to all patrons in the fairest manner possible. Any questions regarding the study rooms can be directed to the circulation desk. 


  • Library study rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis to current Alamo Colleges students only.

  • Study rooms can be utilized for single use or groups. Room capacity is listed further below.

  • All study rooms available for check-out will remain locked when not in use. When in use, the due back time will be displayed on the white board outside the study room and written on the study room box.



  • Patrons need a current Alamo Colleges student ID to check out a study room. A one-time exception will be given to students who don’t have their student ID; however, another form of picture ID (such as a driver’s license) and a banner number will be needed to validate the student’s identity. 

  • ALL study rooms (including the Veteran’s Room and Cub Corner) must be vacated 15 minutes prior to the library’s closing time.  


Study Room Check Out 

  • Excluding Cub Corner and the Veteran’s Room, all study rooms must be requested at the Circulation Desk by students showing their current Alamo Colleges student ID.  

  • A plastic box with white board supplies (4 dry erase markers and 1 eraser) will be checked out to the patron. Patrons can check out a study room for up to 2 hours per group. If there is no waitlist, the room can be renewed once for an additional 2 hours.  

  • The student checking out the study room is responsible for returning any checked-out materials. If the patron chooses to leave early, the study room’s remaining check-out time can be transferred to another group member.  


Study Room Renewal

  • Study rooms may be renewed once per group for an additional two hours.
  • After using the one-time renewal, the group must vacate the room when the new due time is reached.
  • Groups needing additional time must wait one hour before attempting to check out a room again. This policy ensures fair access for other student groups.


Materials Available for Check Out 

  • Projectors (contents: projector, power cord, adaptor, and HDMI cable). Projectors are available to be checked out for up to 2 hours. They are available to be checked out for an additional 2 hours if there is no waitlist.   

  • DVD Player (contents: DVD Player, cord, instructional zine). DVD player can be checked out for up to 2 hours. 


Study Room General Rules 

  • Study rooms are not soundproof. Please keep the volume at a reasonable level.

  • Only covered drinks are allowed in the study rooms. 

  • No food is allowed.  

  • Study rooms should be for academic use only*. Examples of non-academic or non-affiliated use include, but not limited to:

    • Interviews

    • Online classes

    • Club activities

    • Community activities

*Checking out a study room to record online classes is excluded. 


Veteran’s Room 

Cub Corner 

  • Veterans only
  • The door remains open

  • Veteran library books are available for check out 

  • This is a shared space for veterans

  • Filming is not allowed in the Veteran's Library. This is an open and shared space. 

  • Children cannot be left unattended

    • Maximum capacity of two adults and three children

    • Capacity may not exceed five people

  • The door should remain open  

  • Please return Cub Corner library books to the Monster Box

    • This is how we keep our statistics

  • Cub Corner books are in-library use only

  • Books and toys must remain in the room

  • Room reservation is unnecessary

  • This is a shared space for parents/guardians and their children 


Capacity for Study Rooms 

Each study room has a maximum capacity, determined by the campus safety office. Below is a list of capacity limits for each room. If your group exceeds the capacity of a study room, we kindly ask that you wait for a suitably sized room to become available.

  • Room 109: 1-8 persons 

  • Room 111: 1-4 persons 

  • Room 115: 1-6 persons 

  • Veteran’s Room: 1-6 persons 

  • Cub Corner: 2-5 persons 


Study Room Amenities 

  • Chairs, table(s), electrical outlets. 

  • Wireless Internet Access is available throughout the library. 

  • Rooms have a whiteboard. Dry erase markers and erasures are provided.  

  • Rooms are locked until check out.  


Conditions for Using Any Study Room 

  • Do not leave items unattended in the study rooms. We are not responsible for theft. 

  • Study rooms are meant to support academic study and research. 

  • The person checking out a study room must be able to provide an Alamo Colleges student ID. 

  • Furniture may not be moved into or out of study rooms. 

  • Window blinds may be adjusted unless told otherwise by library staff.

  • No food is allowed, only covered drinks.

  • Any damage should be reported immediately to the circulation desk.

  • Inappropriate conduct such as fighting, excessive noise, writing objectionable language on the whiteboards, or sexual acts is not permitted. NVC Library reserves the right to remove users from rooms based on inappropriate conduct, limit future study room use, and follow up with appropriate Alamo Colleges authorities.  


Late Fees

  • Our system automatically "charges" a $5 late fee for every hour the study room is late. There is a 15 minute grace period after the study room is due, then the "charges" begin.
  • We do not collect these fees. This is informational and lets us know how often and how long a group is returning their study rooms late. Once the "fee" reaches $25 we will begin looking into removing access to the study rooms for the rest of the semester. 
  • The due time is written on the side of the study room. Please keep an eye on the time when using the rooms.


Disciplinary Action 

  • According to the Alamo Colleges Student Code of Conduct, any violation of policy such as possessing or promoting child or other pornography material, distributing or displaying obscene material that lacks literary, artistic, political, and scientific value will be reported to Alamo Colleges Police Department.