Criminal Justice

Search Tips

1.  When researching a topic it is best to select just the main keywords to search, not a whole sentences. 

Not:  What impacts does a natural disaster have on the incidence and types of crime?

Main keywords:  disaster, crime

2.  Boolean Operators are three words (AND, OR, NOT) that combine keywords. AND will narrow a search, OR will broaden a search, and NOT will narrow a search by excluding a keyword. Rather than search a sentence or phrase, it is good to connect main keywords together with AND:

AND:  disaster and crime

OR:  "death penalty" or "capital punishment"

NOT:  "hurricane response" NOT "Red Cross"

3.  Use quotation marks when you want to search words together as a phrase:  "criminal justice"

4. Truncation to save time. Use an asterisk * to take the place of letters in a word so that other forms of the word can be searched at the same time:  crim*     polic*

Sample search expressions:

disaster* and crim*     Searches disaster and disasters, crime, crimes, criminal, criminals

"three strikes" and sentenc*     Searches "three strikes" as a phrase and searches sentence, sentences, sentencing